Ultrasound generators and transducers

Sirio Wire supplies ultrasonic generators and transducers.

The innovative control system of the latest generation of generators reflects all the parameters of industry 4.0 and always ensures the best working conditions when the physical conditions of the application system vary, allowing remote assistance and remote diagnostics anywhere in the world:

  • No limit to the type of power supply from 110 to 500Volt 50/60Hz
  • Generator Powers from 700 to 4000Watt
  • Intelligent generator control with minimal use of the cooling fan
  • Generators available with Multi – Frequency from 20 to 135KHerz in order to optimize the cavitation process

The Sirio Wire generators use power ranging from 700W to 4000W and can be supplied either digitally or analogically.

Please feel free to contact us for any inquiries